Lesson #13: Cold Plunging While Traveling? How to make it happen.
Many people get into a nice routine and then go on a vacation or business trip and it all falls apart.
Today’s lesson is going to be helpful in giving you all of the options to keep that deliberate cold exposure in full swing, even while out of your normal routine.
Cold Or Warm Place?
If you’re traveling to a warm place or somewhere during the summer, chances are that your shower water isn’t going to be cold enough to have therapeutic benefits.
Here’s a few options:
1-Find a cold plunge place.
This isn’t always possible but luckily more and more wellness businesses are adding them.
2-Fill up your bathtub with ice.
You can raid the local hotel ice machine or order ice to your door on Instacart in most cities.
Not all tubs are very deep, but you might still be able to make it happen even if your knees are sticking out.
3- Gallon Cold Water Method
This final one might not only be the most feasible in many cases, but it’s actually quite challenging.
Simply buy a 1 gallon jug of water, and leave it in your hotel fridge overnight, and wake up in your shower by pouring this one gallon jug all over your head and body.
I did this when I was on a 7 day retreat recently and it was way more effective and challenging than I ever would have thought.
Cold Travel
If you’re traveling to a cold place that has cold water below 60 degrees, you’re in luck.
Here’s the options:
1-Good old cold shower for up to 5 minutes
2-Fill the bathtub up with cold water from the tap
3-Find a clean lake or stream nearby. (Always use caution. Ensure that the entry and exit point is safe. Never swim alone in nature settings or at the very least, plunge where you can easily get help from other humans).
Getting your cold exposure in while traveling can be a little more challenging, but also a lot of fun.
It’s an opportunity to get resourceful, have new funny experiences, and maybe even discover some gems.
Brock Cannon
Lesson #13: Cold Plunging While Traveling? How to make it happen.
21 Day Cold Plunge Challenge
The 21 Day Cold Plunge Challenge is a place for cold plunge enthusiasts from all over the world to receive 21 days of coaching and community support!
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