Another weirdly cold plunge on day 17
Today was a chilly one! 🥶 I believe I was first in the left tub and it was COLD today. But, again it wasn't really..@ 37 it was not an uncommon temp. lol I shivered a little in the tub, which I don't normally do now and my extremities were pretty cold. But, the weird thing is...Alan said the same thing and so did the guy from GA... not just me! We all felt like it was so much colder than it said, which was actually sitting at around 39 degrees by the time the 3rd of us finished. Atmospheric pressure? Outdoor temperature? Or unusually dreary weather for what feels like an endless number of days nearly in a row? Fascinating food for thought. 💭👩‍🔬 Plus yesterday's post cold plunge shelling rewards. ⬇️ The vacant one came home, but the live ones got another shot at this life! I should have taught them some breathwork!! 😮
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Alissa Haggstrom
Another weirdly cold plunge on day 17
21 Day Cold Plunge Challenge
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