I remember when I first started my business online in a tiny studio basement with a roommate..
I remember visualizing my phone screen with stripe notifications.
“Oh how incredible and satisfying it will feel to have my phone pinging that I just got paid by someone on the internet”
… well I was right. This shit feels pretty damn nice.
I just didn't expect 1-3 transactions to pay what I used to get paid in 1-3 months working my 9-5.
But to be completly transparent, the gleam and glamour wears off quick.
You realize once you’ve got money coming in that it was never really about that.. or at least that’s what I realized.
What makes me really fired up is the impact I’m able to create in other people’s lives through this.
My team and their families..
My clients, their families, their clients…
My family & friends..
And helping good people get the word out about what they do allows good people to get their problems solved and the world becomes a better place.
I’ve scaled businesses up from an idea to $100k a month for clients that didn’t know if their idea was even viable.
I’ve turned $2500 into $100k more times than once for stores I work with.
I’ve helped 3000 people start training martial arts and getting into Jiu Jitsu through my ads..
I’ve saved businesses and had business owners crying on zoom with me because they can finally afford to pay themselves.
And in my own life I’ve become someone who is able to provide immense value in any room I step into..
That’s how I got The Macklin Twins as a client, Shoyoroll as a client, huge dealer groups as clients.
But it’s not all for nothing.
It’s not because I watched some videos and followed some scripts and copy and paste some yadadada.
This is hard work.
Hard. Fucking. Work.
Whatever you want to do in your life it’s going to take you a lot more than you think to get there.
My question to you is are you really committed to this?
What are you doing to prove that to yourself?
How are you showing up to improve your skill set in this field?
What are your goals for the next 90 days?
What are the daily action steps to get you there?
If any of these things remain unclear, you might as well go try drop shipping because ads is hard.
But for those of you that are like
“This is do or die, I burnt the fucking boats I show up everyday as the best student and in 90 days I will have my first 10 paying clients and everyday I will prospect and generate sales opportunities for myself!”
Don’t doubt yourself. There are 14 year olds doing 6-figures a month selling AI chatbots…
It’s not because they have more skills than you.
It’s because they don’t give a shit.
Stop giving a shit what you’re high school Facebook friends will think of you and go big and go HARD!!
Who’s my best students in here????
I’m going to give away some 1-1 calls for whoever can articulate the questions I wrote above, below in the comments the best!!!
Comment below your power statement to these questions:
Are you really committed to this?
What are you doing to prove that to yourself?
How are you showing up to improve your skill set in this field?
What are your goals for the next 90 days?
What are the daily action steps to get you there?
LET ME KNOW!! If I chose you I’ll dm you my phone number and we’ll connect for a 1-1 call to go over your goals and any value I can add in that time!!