What to do When You’ve Got Too Much to Do
There’s this story about a professor and the jar of life.
It goes like this…
He fills a jug with big rocks and asks the class if it's full. The class responds with a "Yes". So, he adds pebbles to the jug.
He asks again if the jug is full, and again the class responds, "Yes". He says, "No" and now adds sand to the jug.
The sand and the pebbles represent the small daily tasks we fill our lives with. If we don't fit our big rocks in first, our lives will fill with only sand and pebbles.
BUT if we start with our big rocks, we create room for what's important in life - and the sand and pebbles can only fill the spaces in between.
This exercise helps you align how you spend your time with your "real" priorities, your "Big Rocks". Answer the questions below.
How does where you currently spend your time compare to your "Big Rocks" - your REAL priorities?
What could you be doing differently?
What is the EASIEST change/s you could make to prioritise your time better?
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Emeka Ajufo
What to do When You’ve Got Too Much to Do
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