Two Tips To Stay in Shape When You’re Busy
1. Raise your standards
2. Reduce the friction.
It’s impossible to consistently behave in a manner inconsistent with how we see ourselves. The quality of your life will ultimately come down to the standards you set for yourself.
If you have standards of discipline and longevity your life is going to look a lot different than if your standards are primarily comfort and ease.
I’ve had a Sixpack since I was 14, it’s part of who I am. I like to look good in the mirror, I like to feel strong in the gym, and I like to play sports and one day when I have children I want to be able to run around with them.
That’s the standard that guides my activities. This will vary for every person. But if you aren’t where you wanna be your actions say your standards aren’t high enough.
The next thing to consider is friction.
In order to raise the chance we do what’s necessary for growth we must do our best to reduce the friction to make sure certain activities occur.
Here are some examples of reducing the friction to exercise
⭐️ Working out first thing in the morning
⭐️ Building a home gym
⭐️ Getting a gym membership that’s on the way to or from work
Here are some examples of reducing the friction to getting in healthy meals
⭐️Prepping your meals twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday
⭐️Using a meal prep company
⭐️Planning your meals the night before and coming up with a schedule of when you’ll eat.
Change is hard…but you do these things..and you make it much easier.
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Emeka Ajufo
Two Tips To Stay in Shape When You’re Busy
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