Jan 25 (edited) in THE GAME
Throw Parties Like Alex's fraternity!
A community is like a party!
When you throw a big party you need to make sure you you have :
-great catering
-great bartending
-great DJ
And most importantly Great crowd!
The better your crowd is, the less rules you need to make, for example, you don’t need to say: drink responsibly! Or please dance with your partner or be respectful of other guests!
If you invite the right crowd, they will do all above. They will do even more, that’s why you don’t need to keep babysitting them. They will just enjoy themselves and make the party a great ambiance to be in.
The best part is, if you let them bring their friends, you probably get similar people to your guests!
Then you don’t have to do much, the party will go on, and you just catalyze!
Let’s look at a few example:
One of the largest communities, and most successful ones on skool is created around masculinity and brotherhood. You want to know why they are so successful? It’s because all members want to man up! And the first rule to man up is to become responsible, when you become responsible for something you do anything in your power to make it successful.
so they’re not looking at the brotherhood as a separate entity or community. THEY are THE COMMUNITY.
The second example of a successful community is the Skool game led by Alex Hormozi!
This community is probably is going to be the largest money making machine for Skool itself, and that is why Alex has called himself an Skool investor and affiliate in the Game.
The reason that this community is becoming so successful is that Alex is a great host.
First, He is inviting all of his audience, who happened to love him because of the VALUE he has been given for years.
Second, he has managed the DJ (Andrew & Skool team), food (affiliate commissions) and the crowd!
He has also laid out a few rules to the game.
He is giving best dinner (40% affiliates commission) and also if you bring your cool friends they get dinner too!
And at the end of the party, you might get a big surprise at the end , if you’re friends are cool!
Therefore he brought in more Than 5000 people in one week and its growing!
and he always says he did throw similar parties at his fraternity back in the days!
Who doesn’t want to go to that party?
And if one ends up there who wouldn’t want to dance?!
So let’s learn from Alex Hormozi, as we all wish.
If you’re on your way to build a great community, you need to make it for them and not for you!
You can lead, make rules and cater but at the end its all about the members having fun and getting good dinner!
P.s. I’m learning every day, writing about them and trying to use the same strategies in $100M systems.
Just added a new category to the community as “surprise us” for those who want to engage the party! 🍾🎉
Amir Khajavi
Throw Parties Like Alex's fraternity!
$100M Systems
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