Jan 23 (edited) in THE GAME
$100M Systems in a nutshell! Knowledge -> Action -> Results (MUST READ🔥)
This community is all about results. ✔️
You are here because you are 1-a go getter and 2-want to get results using $100M systems!
and we can only teach them to you, or better to say..."you can only Learn them" If you choose to play "The game"!
We also tend to keep things brief, because you should be busy DOING THINGS , not reading things! Readings happen on skool game , here. If you wish to read.
So to kick things off , let me draw a $100M systems that you need to implement in order to play the money game right:
This system consist of 7 pillars:
1-$100M Mindset: Be yourself and grow within the community. our Community does not belong to one person, it belongs to all of its members. As you know, you are the average of 5 people who you hang out with! That is the foundation of this community. You are here because you are a WINNER. In this community we hang out with people who have the $100M winning Mindset, things can get hard but we support each other to go. to next level. If you can't resonate you will either find yourself learning and asking questions or breaking up with us (no drama! lol)
2-$100M Circles: (This is YOU, this is US.We are ONE..you are here to make us a community, so make yourself known to our community members and make our community known to others. Go big or go home, Become a regular or leave (don't just leave it will hurt our churn rate!, ask me to kick you out) Regulars get to unlock out most sought after classes too, if you needed motivation..
3-$100M Actions: (We have $100M support group to inspire you daily, we meet early mornings for coffee everyday, online, visit here and add it to your calendar)- This is where the real magic and real impact happens!
What time zone are you in?
4-$100M Consistency: You need to "Stay in the game" . As Hormozi always says "you can not lose if you do not quit". As long as you are in our community you will be a player! and we will keep you accountable to PLAY! So if you stay you get the perks too! But you need to be or become "A Player"
5-$100M Problems: I give you an example. You were trying to solve the "Online Money making game" then you found Skool, now your new problem is how to use skool. Once you find that out, you want to know how to scale skool so there is always "the next problem" , and they way to find that problem is to write and talk about about "stuff". and I am not saying send 2 posts and expect results. you need to be active in skool games, and in other communities , you need to inspire conversations and look for problems within those conversations. The bigger the problem you find, the bigger the $ opportunity it will be. I have written this article on how I use Skool to improve this.
6-$100M solutions: In todays world you can come up with a solution to a problem in below ways:
a-by creating content around it (the education model)
b-by implementing the solution (the service model)
c-by providing the system and "How tos" (the licensing model)
d-By providing the product (store chains, shopify stores and physical products)
or it can be combination of all above.
we will show you how to charge and how to actually SELL (and that doesn't happen unless you make your audience emotional, want to know a pro tip? Alex hormozi is exceptional in making people emotional when he needs to! and thats pretty much the most important every great salesman's skill )
and we will cover that too! (Alex's book on $100M Sales is also coming out soon)
7-$100M stories:
You not need to tell stories, before and afters, inspire action and do it regularly. You need to be able to produce any sort of content around it (text, video, voice, etc to your liking) in large quantities. This can only be achieved by implementing our "$100M content systems" at scale that we discuss in details in our many classroom.
*We are using these tools to generate 10Million views per month for our clients, organically!!
Start by commenting below (currently the only place to socialize in this community, we want to keep it minimal to quality content and save all of you time) or DM me to ask questions!
let the game BEGIN!
Amir Khajavi
$100M Systems in a nutshell! Knowledge -> Action -> Results (MUST READ🔥)
$100M Systems
This FREE community helps Skoolers to implement $100M systems with:
-Games , Cases and WINs
-Tools and Techniques (Skool growth)
-Constant Motivation
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